139.170. Special term of commission for settlement, when.
Special term of commission for settlement, when.
139.170. If there be no regular term of the countycommission in any county on the first Monday in March, a specialterm of such commission shall be called by any two commissionersthereof, to be held on that day in each year, for the purpose ofmaking the settlement required by this chapter; and if, from anycause, there shall be no meeting of the commission held on thatday, then it shall be the duty of the commission to receive thedelinquent lists and make settlement with the collector at thenext term thereafter; provided, that on the application of thecollector, it shall be the duty of the presiding commissioner ofthe county commission to call a special term for that purpose assoon as practicable.
(RSMo 1939 § 11092)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9921; 1919 § 12913; 1909 § 11467