138.200. Qualifications of members--interim appointments--members to devote full time to duties--private employment prohibited.
Qualifications of members--interim appointments--members to devotefull time to duties--private employment prohibited.
138.200. 1. Each commissioner shall be a qualified voterand taxpayer and resident of the state for at least five yearsnext preceding his appointment. At all times the state taxcommission shall be so constituted that not more than two membersshall be of the same political party.
2. In the event of a vacancy occurring while the generalassembly is not in session, the governor may appoint a temporarymember of the commission to serve until such time as a permanentappointment can be made with the advice and consent of thesenate.
3. Each commissioner shall devote his full time and effortsto the discharge of his duties and shall not accept any privateemployment of any kind or nature while serving on the commissionnor hold any other office under the laws of this state, or anycity, or county, or city and county, in this state, nor anyoffice under the government of the United States.
4. No commissioner or employee of the commission shall holdany position of profit, engage in any occupation or businessinterfering with, or inconsistent with, his duties ascommissioner or employee. No person is eligible to appointmentor shall hold the office of commissioner, or be appointed by thecommission, or hold any office or position under the commission,who holds any official office or position or who is a stockholderor who is in any wise pecuniarily interested in any commoncarrier, public utility, or any other corporation whose originalassessment is made by the commission, as provided by thischapter. The words "original assessment" as used herein shallnot be held or construed to include the assessment of corporationfranchise tax.
(RSMo 1939 §§ 11013, 11017, A.L. 1945 p. 1805 § 2, L. 1955 p. 833 § 3, A.L. 1959 H.B. 107)Prior revisions: 1929 §§ 9823, 9828; 1919 §§ 12832, 12837