138.135. Assessor not to be member of board of equalization--assessment to remain same, when--majority of board not in attendance, effect (St. Louis County).
Assessor not to be member of board of equalization--assessment toremain same, when--majority of board not in attendance, effect(St. Louis County).
138.135. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to thecontrary, the county assessor of any county of the first classificationwith a population of at least nine hundred thousand inhabitants shall notbe a member of the county board of equalization.
2. In any county of the first classification with a population of atleast nine hundred thousand inhabitants, when there is an order of theboard of equalization or the state tax commission, including a settlementorder, relating to the assessment of property, the assessment shall remainthe same for the subsequent even-numbered year unless there has been newconstruction or property improvements between January first of theodd-numbered year and January first of the following even-numbered year.
3. In any county of the first classification with a population of atleast nine hundred thousand inhabitants, when a hearing is conducted by theboard of equalization pursuant to this chapter, if the property ownerrequests to be heard by a majority of the board of equalization, and amajority of the board of equalization is not in attendance for any reason,the position of the property owner shall prevail without further action.
(L. 1992 S.B. 630 § 1, A.L. 2007 H.B. 616)