138.120. Merchants' and manufacturers' books submitted, when--notice, hearing (first class counties).
Merchants' and manufacturers' books submitted, when--notice, hearing(first class counties).
138.120. 1. The merchants' book and manufacturers' book prepared asprescribed by law shall be returned by the assessor to the county board ofequalization on the first day of July of each year, which said board ishereby required to meet at the office of the clerk of the county commissionon the first Monday in July of each year for the purpose of equalizing thevaluation of merchants' and manufacturers' statements, and to that endshall have the same powers and shall proceed in the same manner as providedby law, for the equalization of real and other tangible personal property,so far as is consistent with the provisions of this chapter.
2. After the board shall have raised the valuation of any statement,it shall give notice of the fact to the person, corporation or firm whosestatement shall have been raised in amount, by not less than five days'notice through the mail, prior to the day of hearing, specifying the amountof such raise and advising the taxpayer that he may offer objections tosuch increase as made.
3. The last meeting of said board shall be held not later than thethirty-first day of July of each year, except in any city not within acounty or any county with a charter form of government, in which such lastmeeting shall be held not later than the fourth Saturday in August.
(L. 1945 p. 1930 § 13, A.L. 2008 S.B. 711)