137.298. Cities may pass ordinance to include charges for outstanding parking tickets on personal property tax bill--personal property tax receipt, issued when--cities may enter into agreements with c
Cities may pass ordinance to include charges for outstanding parkingtickets on personal property tax bill--personal property tax receipt,issued when--cities may enter into agreements with county to includeoutstanding vehicle-related fees and fines on personal property taxbill.
137.298. 1. Other provisions of law to the contrary notwithstanding,any city may by ordinance include as a charge on bills issued for personalproperty taxes any outstanding parking violations issued on any vehicle forwhich personal property tax is to be paid and, if required by ordinance,such charge shall be collected with and in the same payment as personalproperty taxes are collected by the collector of revenue of such city. Nopersonal property tax bill shall be considered paid unless all charges forparking violations are also paid in full and the collector of revenue shallnot issue a paid personal property receipt until all such charges are paid.
2. Any city or city not within a county may enter into a contract orcooperative agreement with the county governing body and county collectorof any county with a charter form of government or any county of the firstclassification to include as a charge on bills issued for personal propertytaxes any outstanding vehicle-related fees and fines, including trafficviolations, assessed or issued on any vehicle for which personal propertytax is to be paid. If the outstanding vehicle-related fees and fines areagainst a car that is registered in the name of a rental or leasing companyand the vehicle is rented or leased to another person at the time the feesor fines are assessed, the rental or leasing company may rebut thepresumption by providing the county governing body and county collector acopy of the rental or lease agreement in effect at the time the fees orfines were assessed. A rental or leasing company shall not be charged forthese fees or fines under this subsection unless prior written notice ofthe fees or fines have been given to that rental or leasing company byordinary mail at the address appearing on the registration and the rentalor leasing company has failed to provide the rental or lease agreement copywithin fifteen days of receipt of such notice. For the purpose of thissection, vehicle-related fees and fines shall include, but not be limitedto, traffic violation fines, parking violation fines, towing and vehicleimmobilization fees, and any late payment penalties and court costsassociated with adjudication or collection of those fines. No personalproperty tax bill shall be considered paid unless all charges for parkingviolations and other vehicle-related fees and fines are also paid in full,and the county collector shall not issue a paid personal property taxreceipt until all such charges are paid. Any contract or cooperativeagreement shall be in writing, signed by the city, county governing body,and county collector, and shall set forth the provisions and terms agreedto by the parties.
(L. 1999 S.B. 19 § 7, A.L. 2004 H.B. 795, et al. merged with S.B. 1233, et al. merged with S.B. 1394)