137.114. Assessment of deferred maintenance improvements postponed--eligibility requirements.
Assessment of deferred maintenance improvements postponed--eligibilityrequirements.
137.114. 1. In making assessments of real property asrequired by the provisions of section 137.115, and in order toprovide for the renovation of obsolete properties as authorizedby section 7 of article X of the Missouri Constitution, thecounty assessor shall not, for a period of five years after adeferred maintenance activity has been begun, add to the assessedvalue of a dwelling consisting of any number of residentialunits, regardless of the classification of the real property forassessment purposes, any additional assessed value because ofdeferred maintenance which has been begun upon such propertyduring the period prescribed in section 137.113; except that,before any county assessor shall refrain from adding additionalassessed valuation because of a deferred maintenance activity heshall determine that the property in question is on the tax rollsof the county and that no delinquent taxes on such property aredue.
2. To be eligible for the tax relief afforded by subsection1 of this section, a dwelling must be located on real propertywithin an area satisfying the description set forth in section 7of article X of the Missouri Constitution. The governing body ofeach unit of local government of this state shall designate suchareas within its boundaries by resolution, order, or ordinance,and each such resolution, order, or ordinance shall indicate thelength of time the designation is to exist. Within thirty daysof the date such resolution, order, or ordinance is passed, theunit of local government shall provide the assessor of the countyor the city not within a county in which the designated arealies, a certified copy of the resolution, order, or ordinancedesignating the area and a map of the area so designated clearlyshowing the boundaries of the area, as well as all the streetslying within the area. Each unit of local government whichdesignates an area for the tax relief set forth in subsection 1of this section shall establish a procedure whereby any personmay apply to the unit of local government, or an agency thereof,for certification that a designated dwelling lies within an areaduly designated for such tax relief. This certification shallalso specify the items of deferred maintenance completed on thedwelling. Within twenty days after the issuance of such acertificate, the unit of local government shall transmit to theassessor of the county or city not within a county in which thereal property lies a copy of the certificate. Upon receipt ofsuch certificate, the assessor shall determine whether theproperty in question is eligible for the assessment postponementprovided for in subsection 1 of this section and shall issue tothe owner of the real property a formal declaration of whethersuch tax relief is to be made available, and, if so, alsoindicating the assessed valuation of the real propertyimmediately prior to the deferred maintenance and the term of theassessment postponement. As used in this subsection, the phrase"unit of local government" shall mean the municipality withinwhose boundaries the area to be designated lies. If the areadoes not lie within the boundaries of any municipality, then"unit of local government" shall mean the county within whoseboundaries the area to be designated lies.
(L. 1977 S.B. 214 § 3, A.L. 1983 S.B. 63, et al., A.L. 1985 S.B. 152)Effective 12-31-85