137.030. Levy for library purposes.
Levy for library purposes.
137.030. 1. Any county, or other political subdivisionotherwise authorized by law to support and conduct a library, maylevy for library purposes in addition to the limits prescribed inarticle X of the constitution a rate of taxation on all propertysubject to its taxing powers in an amount as now or hereafterprescribed by law; provided, that political subdivisions nowhaving or hereafter having a population of not less than twohundred thousand inhabitants nor more than six hundred thousandinhabitants according to the last federal decennial census areauthorized to levy for library purposes a rate which shall notexceed ten cents on the hundred dollars assessed valuation,annually, on all taxable property in such subdivision and may,upon compliance with the provisions of subsection 2 of thissection, levy an additional tax, annually, on all taxableproperty in such subdivision.
2. In political subdivisions now having or hereafter havinga population of not less than two hundred thousand inhabitantsnor more than six hundred thousand inhabitants according to thelast federal decennial census and levying the full tax of tencents for library purposes provided for in subsection 1, thegoverning board or other governing body of the politicalsubdivision may submit the question to the voters.
3. The question shall be submitted in substantially thefollowing form:
Shall the ............ (name of governing board or othergoverning body) of ......... (name of political subdivision) beauthorized to levy a .... cent tax over the present .... cent taxfor the free public library?
4. If a majority of all of the votes cast on the question isfor the proposed grant of additional authority to levy tax, thegoverning board or other governing body of the politicalsubdivision may thereafter annually levy a tax within thelimitation of the authority granted, the tax to be collected inlike manner with other taxes for the political subdivision.
5. Nothing contained in this section or done pursuant to itsprovisions shall be construed to waive or satisfy the duty of thegeneral assembly, under section 10 of article IX of theconstitution of this state, to grant aid to any free publiclibrary supported by the political subdivision, in such mannerand in such amounts as may be provided by law. Any tax rateauthorized hereunder may, pursuant to section 11(c) of article Xof the constitution of this state, be levied in excess of therates of taxation authorized by law for general municipal, countyor school purposes of the political subdivision.
(L. 1945 p. 1387 § 1, A.L. 1971 S.B. 33, A.L. 1972 S.B. 450, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971, A.L. 1979 H.B. 215, A.L. 1982 S.B. 495, A.L. 1984 H.B. 856 & 1358)