135.207. Satellite zones may be established in certain cities or villages, requirements.
Satellite zones may be established in certain cities or villages,requirements.
135.207. 1. (1) Any city with a population of at least threehundred fifty thousand inhabitants which is located in more than one countyand any city not within a county, which includes an existing statedesignated enterprise zone within the corporate limits of the city, mayeach, upon approval of the local governing authority of the city and thedirector of the department of economic development, designate up to threesatellite zones within its corporate limits. A prerequisite for thedesignation of a satellite zone shall be the approval by the director of aplan submitted by the local governing authority of the city describing howthe satellite zone corresponds to the city's overall enterprise zonestrategy.
(2) Any Missouri community classified as a village whose borders lieadjacent to a city with a population in excess of three hundred fiftythousand inhabitants as described in subdivision (1) of this subsection,and which has within the corporate limits of the village a factory, miningoperation, office, mill, plant or warehouse which has at least threethousand employees and has an investment in plant, machinery and equipmentof at least two hundred million dollars may, upon securing approval of thedirector and the local governing authorities of the village and theadjacent city which contains an existing state-designated enterprise zone,designate one satellite zone to be located within the corporate limits ofthe village, such zone to be in addition to the six authorized insubdivision (1) of this subsection.
(3) Any geographical area partially contained within any city notwithin a county and partially contained within any county of the firstclassification with a charter form of government with a population of ninehundred thousand or more inhabitants, which area is comprised of a totalpopulation of at least four thousand inhabitants but not more thanseventy-two thousand inhabitants, and which area consists of at least onefourth class city, and has within its boundaries a military reservefacility and a utility pumping station having a capacity of ten millioncubic feet, may, upon securing approval of the director and the appropriatelocal governing authorities as provided for in section 135.210, bedesignated as a satellite zone, such zone to be in addition to the sixauthorized in subdivision (1) of this subsection.
(4) In addition to all other satellite zones authorized in thissection, any home rule city with more than seventy-three thousand but lessthan seventy-five thousand inhabitants, which includes an existingstate-designated enterprise zone within the corporate limits of the city,may, upon approval of the local governing authority of the city anddirector of the department of economic development, designate a satellitezone within its corporate limits. A prerequisite for the designation of asatellite zone pursuant to this subdivision shall be the approval by thedirector of the department of economic development of a plan submitted bythe local governing authority of such city describing how the satellitezone corresponds to the city's overall enterprise zone strategy.
(5) In addition to all other satellite zones authorized in thissection, any home rule city with more than one hundred thirteen thousandtwo hundred but less than one hundred thirteen thousand three hundredinhabitants, which includes an existing state-designated enterprise zonewithin the corporate limits of the city, may, upon approval of the localgoverning authority of the city and director of the department of economicdevelopment, designate a satellite zone within its corporate limits alongthe southwest corner of any intersection of two United States interstatehighways. A prerequisite for the designation of a satellite zone pursuantto this subdivision shall be the approval by the director of the departmentof economic development of a plan submitted by the local governingauthority of such city describing how the satellite zone corresponds to thecity's overall enterprise zone strategy.
(6) In addition to all other satellite zones authorized in thissection, any home rule city with more than one hundred fifty-one thousandfive hundred but less than one hundred fifty-one thousand six hundredinhabitants which includes an existing state-designated enterprise zonewithin the corporate limits of the city may, upon approval of the governingauthority of the city and the director of the department of economicdevelopment, designate one satellite zone within its corporate limits. Nosatellite zone shall be designated pursuant to this subdivision until thegoverning authority of the city submits a plan describing how the satellitezone corresponds to the city's overall enterprise zone strategy and thedirector approves the plan.
(7) In addition to all other satellite zones authorized in thissection, any city of the fourth classification with more than threethousand eight hundred but less than four thousand inhabitants and locatedin more than one county and which city lies adjacent to any home rule citywith more than one hundred thirteen thousand two hundred but less than onehundred thirteen thousand three hundred inhabitants and which contains anenterprise zone may, upon approval of the director and the governingauthorities of the city of the fourth classification and the home rulecity, designate one satellite zone within its corporate limits. Thesatellite enterprise zone authorized by this subsection shall be designatedonly if it meets the criteria established by subsection 2 of this section.Retail businesses, as identified by the 1997 North American IndustryClassification System (NAICS) sector numbers 44-45, located within thesatellite enterprise zone shall be eligible for all benefits provided underthe provisions of sections 135.200 to 135.258.
2. For satellite zones designated pursuant to the provisions ofsubdivisions (1) and (3) of subsection 1 of this section, the satellitezones, in conjunction with the existing state-designated enterprise zoneshall meet the following criteria:
(1) The area is one of pervasive poverty, unemployment, and generaldistress, or one in which a large number of jobs have been lost, a largenumber of employers have closed, or in which a large percentage ofavailable production capacity is idle. For the purpose of thissubdivision, "large number of jobs" means one percent or more of the area'spopulation according to the most recent decennial census, and "large numberof employers" means over five;
(2) At least fifty percent of the residents living in the area haveincomes below eighty percent of the median income of all residents withinthe state of Missouri according to the last decennial census or otherappropriate source as approved by the director;
(3) The resident population of the existing state-designatedenterprise zone and its satellite zones must be at least four thousand butnot more than seventy-two thousand at the time of designation;
(4) The level of unemployment of persons, according to the mostrecent data available from the division of employment security or from theUnited States Bureau of Census and approved by the director, within thearea exceeds one and one-half times the average rate of unemployment forthe state of Missouri over the previous twelve months, or the percentage ofarea residents employed on a full-time basis is less than sixty percent ofthe statewide percentage of residents employed on a full-time basis.
3. A qualified business located within a satellite zone shall besubject to the same eligibility criteria and can be eligible to receive thesame benefits as a qualified facility in sections 135.200 to 135.258.
(L. 1989 S.B. 59, A.L. 1995 H.B. 414, A.L. 1996 H.B. 1237, A.L. 1999 H.B. 701, A.L. 2003 H.B. 289 merged with S.B. 504, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1155)