130.049. Out-of-state committees, reporting, contents.
Out-of-state committees, reporting, contents.
130.049. An out-of-state committee which according to the provisionsof subsection 10 of section 130.021 is not required to file a statement oforganization and is not required to file the full disclosure reportsrequired by section 130.041 shall file reports with the Missouri ethicscommission according to the provisions of such sections if the committeemakes contributions or expenditures in support of or in opposition tocandidates or ballot measures in this state in any election covered by thischapter or makes contributions to any committee domiciled in this state.An initial report shall be filed no later than fourteen days prior to thedate such out-of-state committee first makes a contribution or expenditurein this state. Such initial report shall state the name and address of thecommittee receiving such contributions or expenditures. The contributionsor expenditures shall be made no later than thirty days prior to theelection. The out-of-state committee thereafter shall file copies of thecampaign disclosure report required to be filed in the domicile of thecommittee with the Missouri ethics commission as required by subsections 1to 3 of section 130.046. No candidate or committee may accept anycontribution made by a committee domiciled outside this state unless theprovisions of this section are met.
(L. 1997 S.B. 16)