130.026. Election authority defined--appropriate officer designated for filing of reports.
Election authority defined--appropriate officer designated for filingof reports.
130.026. 1. For the purpose of this section, the term"election authority" or "local election authority" means thecounty clerk, except that in a city or county having a board ofelection commissioners the board of election commissioners shallbe the election authority. For any political subdivision orother district which is situated within the jurisdiction of morethan one election authority, as defined herein, the electionauthority is the one in whose jurisdiction the candidate residesor, in the case of ballot measures, the one in whose jurisdictionthe most populous portion of the political subdivision ordistrict for which an election is held is situated, except that acounty clerk or a county board of election commissioners shall bethe election authority for all candidates for elective countyoffices other than county clerk and for any countywide ballotmeasures.
2. The appropriate officer or officers for candidates andballot measures shall be as follows:
(1) In the case of candidates for the offices of governor,lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state treasurer, stateauditor, attorney general, judges of the supreme court andappellate court judges, the appropriate officer shall be theMissouri ethics commission;
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 1 of thissection, in the case of candidates for the offices of statesenator, state representative, county clerk, and associatecircuit court judges and circuit court judges, the appropriateofficers shall be the Missouri ethics commission and the electionauthority for the place of residence of the candidate;
(3) In the case of candidates for elective municipaloffices in municipalities of more than one hundred thousandinhabitants and elective county offices in counties of more thanone hundred thousand inhabitants, the appropriate officers shallbe the Missouri ethics commission and the election authority ofthe municipality or county in which the candidate seeks office;
(4) In the case of all other offices, the appropriateofficer shall be the election authority of the district orpolitical subdivision for which the candidate seeks office;
(5) In the case of ballot measures, the appropriate officeror officers shall be:
(a) The Missouri ethics commission for a statewide measure;
(b) The local election authority for any politicalsubdivision or district as determined by the provisions ofsubsection 1 of this section for any measure, other than astatewide measure, to be voted on in that political subdivisionor district.
3. The appropriate officer or officers for candidatecommittees and campaign committees shall be the same asdesignated in subsection 2 of this section for the candidates orballot measures supported or opposed as indicated in thestatement of organization required to be filed by any suchcommittee.
4. The appropriate officer for political party committeesshall be as follows:
(1) In the case of state party committees, the appropriateofficer shall be the Missouri ethics commission;
(2) In the case of any district, county or city politicalparty committee, the appropriate officer shall be the Missouriethics commission and the election authority for that district,county or city.
5. The appropriate officers for a continuing committee andfor any other committee not named in subsections 3, 4 and 5 ofthis section shall be as follows:
(1) The Missouri ethics commission and the electionauthority for the county in which the committee is domiciled; and
(2) If the committee makes or anticipates makingexpenditures other than direct contributions which aggregate morethan five hundred dollars to support or oppose one or morecandidates or ballot measures in the same political subdivisionor district for which the appropriate officer is an electionauthority other than the one for the county in which thecommittee is domiciled, the appropriate officers for thatcommittee shall include such other election authority orauthorities, except that committees covered by this subsectionneed not file statements required by section 130.021 and reportsrequired by subsections 6, 7 and 8 of section 130.046 with anyappropriate officer other than those set forth in subdivision (1)of this subsection.
6. The term "domicile" or "domiciled" means the address ofthe committee listed on the statement of organization required tobe filed by that committee in accordance with the provisions ofsection 130.021.
(L. 1978 S.B. 839, A.L. 1979 S.B. 129, A.L. 1985 H.B. 150, et al., A.L. 1990 S.B. 631, A.L. 1991 S.B. 262)