115.501. Verification board, duties of--meetings, when.

Verification board, duties of--meetings, when.

115.501. As soon as possible after an election in whichpaper ballots or ballot cards are used, the verification boardshall meet and check the addition and figures on all tally sheetsand statements of returns and shall compare its record with thereturns made by the election judges and the election authority onthe day of the election. Before meeting, the verification boardshall give notice of the time and place of the meeting to eachindependent and new party candidate and the chairman of thecounty committee of each political party named on the ballot atthe election. The meeting and proceedings of the verificationboard shall be open to a representative of each independentcandidate and political party named on the ballot. If there is adiscrepancy between the returns of the election judges and theelection authority and the record of the verification board, theverification board shall correct the returns made by the judgesand election authority to conform to its record. The correctedreturns shall supersede the returns made by the election judgesand the election authority on election day. Both the record andthe returns shall be retained by the election authority asprovided in section 115.493.

(L. 1977 H.B. 101 § 12.310)

Effective 1-1-78