115.281. Absentee ballots to be printed, when.
Absentee ballots to be printed, when.
115.281. 1. Not later than the sixth Tuesday prior to eachelection, or within fourteen days after candidates' names orquestions are certified pursuant to section 115.125, the electionauthority shall cause to have printed and made available asufficient quantity of absentee ballots, ballot envelopes andmailing envelopes. As soon as possible after the proper officercalls a special state or county election, the election authorityshall cause to have printed and made available a sufficientquantity of absentee ballots, ballot envelopes and mailingenvelopes.
2. All absentee ballots for an election shall be in the sameform as the official ballots for the election, except that inlieu of the words "Official Ballot" at the top of the ballot, thewords "Official Absentee Ballot" shall appear.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 § 9.015, A.L. 1983 S.B. 234, A.L. 1984 S.B. 682)Effective 4-18-84