110.200. County commission may readvertise and relet.
County commission may readvertise and relet.
110.200. If the bids submitted under the provisions ofsection 110.140 shall not, when taken together, include the wholeof said funds, the county commission may let the part or partsnot bid for in the manner provided in section 110.190, or, if therate of interest offered upon any part or parts into which saidfunds are divided shall, in the judgment of the commission, betoo low, said county commission may accept one or more bids forone or more of said parts, and readvertise and relet the part orparts of said funds for which an adequate rate of interest hasnot been offered, or may let such part or parts in the mannerprovided in section 110.180.
(RSMo 1939 § 13854)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12191; 1919 § 9589; 1909 § 3810