110.030. Advertisement for bids unnecessary, when.
Advertisement for bids unnecessary, when.
110.030. The various statutory provisions in relation to theadvertisement for and receipt of bids and the award of the fundsto the best bidder or bidders for the whole or any part of any ofthe public funds of the character referred to in section 110.010shall be applicable only if and when, at the time of saidadvertisement and award, it shall be lawful for bankinginstitutions to pay interest upon demand deposits, in which eventsuch applicable statutory provisions shall be complied with; butif, at the time of the advertisement for bids or the receipt ofbids or the award of funds, it shall be unlawful for depositarybanks and trust companies to pay interest upon such demanddeposits, the award or awards of such funds shall be made in eachcase, without bids and without requiring the payment of any bonusor interest, by the authority or authorities which are by statuteempowered to make the awards of such funds upon bids.
(RSMo 1939 § 8185)