108.901. Bonds, when issued--denominations--interest, how set--form of bonds--treasurer's duties--auditor's duties.
Bonds, when issued--denominations--interest, how set--form ofbonds--treasurer's duties--auditor's duties.
108.901. As evidence of the indebtedness authorized by sections 108.900to 108.914, there shall be issued, from time to time as occasion may require,bonds of the state of Missouri in the form of coupon bonds, which may beregistrable as to principal or interest or both, or fully registrable bondswithout coupons. They shall be issued in denominations of one thousanddollars each, or multiples thereof, and shall bear dates to be fixed by theboard of fund commissioners. They shall bear such rate or rates of interestas may be determined by the board of fund commissioners. The interest thereonmay be made payable as determined by the board of fund commissioners. Thebonds shall be retired serially and by installments within a period not toexceed twenty-five years from their date of issue. Both principal of andinterest on the bonds may be made payable at such place or places, in or outof the state of Missouri, as the board of fund commissioners may designate,and if made payable at any place other than the office of the state treasurerat Jefferson City, Missouri, the state treasurer is authorized and directed topay all expenses incident thereto. Each separate issue of the bonds shall begiven a series designation, either alphabetical or numerical as may bedetermined by the board of fund commissioners. For the prompt payment ofprincipal of the bonds at maturity and the interest thereon as it falls due,the full faith, credit and resources of the state of Missouri are hereby andherein irrevocably pledged. All bonds issued under and by virtue of sections108.900 to 108.914, shall be in such form as may be prescribed by the board offund commissioners. The bonds may, in the discretion of the board of fundcommissioners, be executed by the facsimile signature of the governor attestedby the great seal of the state of Missouri, and the facsimile signature of thesecretary of state and countersigned with the facsimile signature of the statetreasurer, but all such bonds shall be executed by the genuine signature of atleast one of the members of the board of fund commissioners. Any couponsattached to the bonds, evidencing the interest payments to be made thereon,shall be executed by affixing thereon the facsimile signature of the statetreasurer. When directed so to do by the board of fund commissioners, thestate auditor shall provide the bonds to be issued and lodge them with thestate treasurer in whose custody and charge they shall remain until deliveredto the purchaser thereof. The board shall, by resolution, provide a methodfor registering any of the bonds as the title thereto may be transferred, andfor paying the interest thereon as it falls due, and the board shall exchangeregistered bonds or bonds payable to bearer whenever requested by the holdersthereof. The bonds, signed, countersigned, endorsed and sealed, as providedin sections 108.900 to 108.914, when sold, shall be and constitute valid andbinding obligations of the state of Missouri, although the sale thereof may bemade at a date or dates after any officer whose signature is affixed theretoshall have ceased to be the incumbent of his office.
(L. 1982 2nd Ex. Sess. S.B. 1 § 2)Effective 12-20-82