108.180. Bond issue--funds kept separate.
Bond issue--funds kept separate.
108.180. When any bonds shall have been issued by anycounty, city, incorporated town or village, school district, orother political corporation or subdivision of the state, asprovided under the constitution and laws of this state for theincurring of indebtedness, or for refunding, extending, unifyingthe whole or any part of their valid bonded indebtedness, theproceeds from the sale thereof and all moneys derived by taxlevy, or otherwise, for interest and sinking fund provided forthe payment of such bonds, shall be kept separate and apart fromall other funds of such governmental unit, so that there shall beno commingling of such funds with any other funds of such county,city, incorporated town or village, school district, or otherpolitical corporation or subdivision of the state; provided, thatin no case shall the proceeds derived from the sale of any suchbonds be used for any purpose other than that for which suchbonds were issued, nor shall such interest and sinking fund beused for any purpose other than to meet the interest andprincipal of such bonds; provided further, that any bonds ormoney remaining in the interest and sinking fund of any suchcounty, city, incorporated town or village, school district, orother political corporation or subdivision of the state, afterthe extinction of the indebtedness for which such bonds wereissued, shall be paid into the general revenue fund of suchcounty, city, incorporated town or village, or other politicalcorporation or subdivision, and into the capital projects fund ofsuch school district.
(RSMo 1939 § 3283, A.L. 1945 p. 1389 § 1, A.L. 1993 S.B. 380, A.L. 1994 S.B. 676)Prior revision: 1929 § 2896
Effective 7-12-94
Application of funds derived from public debt, Const. Art. VI § 29