100.580. Annual report of authority, contents--satisfactory progress of projects, procedure to determine.
Annual report of authority, contents--satisfactory progress ofprojects, procedure to determine.
100.580. 1. At least once a year, an authority shall filewith the clerk a report of its activities for the preceding year,and shall make recommendations with reference to such additionallegislation or other action as it deems necessary in order tocarry out the purposes of this law.
2. Within sixty days after August 13, 1982, and every fiveyears thereafter, the governing body shall hold a public hearingregarding those industrial development projects under thejurisdiction of the authority. The purpose of the hearing shallbe to determine if the authority is making satisfactory progressunder the proposed time schedule contained within the approvedplans for completion of such projects. Notice of such publichearing shall be given in a newspaper of general circulation inthe area served by the authority once each week for four weeksimmediately prior to the hearing.
(L. 1967 p. 172 § 29, A.L. 1982 H.B. 1411 & 1587)