100.331. Commissioners, number reduced, appointment, terms, qualifications, vacancies--consolidation plan authorized (St. Louis City).
Commissioners, number reduced, appointment, terms, qualifications,vacancies--consolidation plan authorized (St. Louis City).
100.331. 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 100.330 or anyother provision of law to the contrary, beginning August 28, 2000, thenumber of commissioners in any city not within a county shall be five;provided that, by the process of attrition the number of commissionersshall be reduced from fifteen to five by the expiration of the terms ofcurrently serving commissioners and nonreplacement of any vacancies.Commissioners shall be appointed for a term of four years each. Allcommissioners shall be appointed by the mayor of any such city, shall betaxpayers of the city, and shall have resided in the city for five yearsimmediately prior to their appointment. All vacancies shall be filled bythe mayor of the city for the unexpired term, subsequent to the time thenumber of commissioners is reduced to five by attrition.
2. At any time, the governing body of a city not within a county mayadopt a plan of consolidation to combine the planned industrial expansionauthority of such city with the land clearance for redevelopment authorityof such city.
(L. 2000 H.B. 1238 merged with S.B. 894, A.L. 2001 H.B. 596)