99.877. Municipalities may establish urban homesteading program and homesteading agency--members, qualifications, appointment, terms--secretary to be selected--staff--expenses.
Municipalities may establish urban homesteading program andhomesteading agency--members, qualifications, appointment,terms--secretary to be selected--staff--expenses.
99.877. Any municipality may, by ordinance, establish anurban homesteading program and may authorize any existing board,commission, department or agency, including a housing authority,redevelopment agency or any nonprofit community housingdevelopment corporation to be the urban homesteading agency ormay, by ordinance, establish a new board, commission, departmentor agency to act as the urban homesteading agency. Such new"Urban Homesteading Agency" shall be composed of not less thanthree nor more than nine members, all of whom shall be residentsof the municipality, appointed by the mayor with the approval ofthe governing body of the city. Those first appointed shall bedesignated to serve one, two and three years, respectively, andthereafter members shall be appointed annually to serve for threeyears. Each member shall serve until his successor is appointedand has qualified. Action by such an urban homesteading agencyshall be taken by majority vote of members present, provided noaction may be taken unless at least fifty percent of the membersare present. An urban homesteading agency created pursuant tothis section shall select a secretary, who may be a member of theagency and may elect or employ such other officers, agents,technical consultants, legal counsel and employees as the agencyrequires. The members shall serve without compensation but maybe reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in the performanceof their official duties out of funds provided by the governingbody of the city.
(L. 1992 H.B. 1434 & 1490 § 3)