99.053. Appointment of additional housing commissioner authorized where necessary to comply with federal law.
Appointment of additional housing commissioner authorized wherenecessary to comply with federal law.
99.053. 1. Notwithstanding any provision of section 99.050 to thecontrary regarding the number of housing commissioners, in any politicalsubdivision except those described in subsection 2 of this section, a sixthhousing commissioner may be appointed. Such a commissioner may beappointed, in the same manner as other appointees pursuant to section99.050, if the housing authority determines that such a commissioner isneeded to fulfill any federal requirement stating that at least one personwho receives direct assistance from the housing authority shall serve as acommissioner. Any commissioner appointed to serve as a commissioner forthe purposes of meeting the requirement of having a person who is directlyassisted by the housing authority shall forfeit such appointment if thatperson:
(1) Ceases to meet the requirements of housing commissioners pursuantto section 99.050; or
(2) Ceases receiving direct assistance from the housing authority forwhich he or she is a commissioner.
2. The provisions of this section shall not apply to those housingauthorities:
(1) Located within a city not within a county;
(2) Located within a city with a population of over four hundredthousand inhabitants;
(3) Which are exempted, pursuant to federal law or regulation, fromany federal requirement stating that at least one person who receivesdirect assistance from the housing authority shall serve as a commissioner.
(L. 2000 H.B. 1238 merged with S.B. 557)