94.875. Tourism tax trust fund established, purpose--taxes to be deposited in fund--distribution--election required to impose tax.
Tourism tax trust fund established, purpose--taxes to be deposited infund--distribution--election required to impose tax.
94.875. All taxes authorized and collected under sections 94.870 to94.881 shall be deposited by the political subdivision in a special trustfund to be known as the "Tourism Tax Trust Fund". The moneys in suchtourism tax trust fund shall not be commingled with any other funds of thepolitical subdivision except as specifically provided in this section. Thetaxes collected shall be used, upon appropriation by the politicalsubdivision, solely for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, oroperating convention and tourism facilities, and at least twenty-fivepercent of such taxes collected shall be used for tourism marketing andpromotional purposes; except that in any city with a population of lessthan seven thousand five hundred inhabitants, forty percent of such taxescollected may be transferred to such city's general revenue fund and theremaining thirty-five percent may be used for city capital improvements,pursuant to voter approval. The moneys in the tourism tax trust fund ofany city with a population of at least fifteen thousand located partiallybut not wholly within a county of the third classification with apopulation of at least thirty-nine thousand inhabitants shall be usedsolely for tourism marketing and promotional purposes. The tax authorizedby section 94.870 shall be in addition to any and all other sales taxesallowed by law, but no ordinance or order imposing a tax under section94.870 shall be effective unless the governing body of the politicalsubdivision submits to the voters of the political subdivision at amunicipal or state general, primary, or special election a proposal toauthorize the governing body of the political subdivision to impose suchtax.
(L. 1994 S.B. 749, A.L. 1996 H.B. 1237, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1041 merged with S.B. 1151, A.L. 2007 H.B. 205, A.L. 2007 S.B. 22)