94.817. Ballot for submission, all taxes (Branson).

Ballot for submission, all taxes (Branson).

94.817. 1. The ballot of submission shall contain substantially, butneed not be limited to, the following:

(1) If the proposal submitted involves only authorization to impose thetourism tax authorized by section 94.802, the following language:

Shall the municipality of .................................. (insert nameof municipality) impose a tourism tax of .......% on the price paid or chargedfor rooms or accommodations thirty days or less at hotels, motels, touristcourts, campground sites, condominium units, time-share interests incondominiums and the price charged for tickets and other charges for admissionto or participation in private tourist attractions for the purpose of funding.................. (insert type of improvement), which may include theretirement of debt under previously voter-approved bonded indebtedness, andpromoting tourism?

â ã YES â ã NO

(2) If the proposal submitted involves only authorization to impose thetourism tax authorized by section 94.805, the following language:

Shall the municipality of ................................ (insert nameof municipality) impose a tourism tax of .......% on the price paid or chargedfor food and drinks sold in restaurants and other establishments for thepurpose of funding ........................ (insert type of improvement),which may include the retirement of debt under previously voter-approvedbonded indebtedness, and promoting tourism?

â ã YES â ã NO

(3) If the proposal submitted involves authorization to issue bonds andrepay such bonds with revenues from the collection of the tourism taxauthorized by sections 94.802, the following language:

Shall the municipality of ......................... (insert name ofmunicipality) issue bonds in the amount of $ ............ (insert amount) forthe purpose of funding ...................... (insert type of improvement) andshall a tourism tax of ......% be imposed on the price paid or charged forrooms or accommodations for thirty days or less at hotels, motels, touristcourts, campground sites, condominium units, time-share interests incondominiums and the price charged for tickets and other charges for admissionto or participation in private tourist attractions to repay such bonds orpreviously voter-approved bonded indebtedness and to promote tourism?

â ã YES â ã NO

(4) If the proposal submitted involves authorization to issue bonds andrepay such bonds with revenues from the collection of the tax authorized bysection 94.805, the following language:

Shall the municipality of ......................... (insert name ofmunicipality) issue bonds in the amount of $ ............ (insert amount) forthe purpose of funding ...................... (insert type of improvement) andshall a tourism tax of .......% be imposed on the price paid or charged forfood and drinks sold in restaurants and other establishments to repay suchbonds or previously voter-approved bonded indebtedness and promote tourism?

â ã YES â ã NO

2. Any proposal to impose a tourism tax shall be approved by a majorityof the qualified voters voting thereon before the tax shall become effective.Any proposal to issue bonds and impose a tourism tax to retire such bonds mustbe approved by the constitutionally required percentage of the qualifiedvoters voting thereon before such bonds may be issued; provided however, if amajority of the qualified voters voting thereon are in favor of the proposal,the governing body of the municipality may nevertheless impose any tourism taxsubmitted to the voters as a part of such proposal and use the revenues fromthe tourism tax for the retirement of debt under previously voter-approvedbonded indebtedness. A proposal to impose a tourism tax or to issue bondswhich does not receive the requisite majority of the qualified voters votingthereon to impose a tourism tax or to issue bonds may by action of thegoverning body of the municipality be resubmitted at a subsequent election.In the event a proposal to authorize the issuance of bonds and to impose atourism tax does not receive the affirmative vote of the constitutionallyrequired percentage of qualified voters voting thereon for the issuance ofbonds but does receive the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualifiedvoters voting thereon and the tourism tax then becomes effective, thegoverning body of the municipality may submit a proposal to issue bonds at asubsequent election and utilize a previously voter-approved tourism tax toretire said bonds, and in such event, the ballot of submission shall besubstantially in the following language:

Shall the municipality of ............... (insert name of municipality)issue bonds in the amount of $ ..... (insert amount) for the purpose offunding ........ (insert type of improvement) and repay such bonds by usingthe tourism .......(here insert "tax" or "taxes") previously voter approved?

â ã YES â ã NO

(L. 1993 H.B. 345 § 7, A.L. 1997 2d Ex. Sess. H.B. 3)

Effective 9-15-97