94.600. Definitions.
94.600. The following words, as used in sections 94.600 to 94.655,mean:
(1) "City", any city not within a county, any city of over fourhundred thousand inhabitants wholly or partially within a first classcounty, and any first class county operating under a charter form ofgovernment and having a population of over nine hundred thousandinhabitants;
(2) "City transit authority", a commission or board created by citycharter provision or by ordinance of a city, and which operates a publicmass transportation system;
(3) "City utilities board", a board or commission created by citycharter provision or by ordinance of a city, which controls and operatescity-owned utilities including a public mass transportation system;
(4) "Director of revenue", the director of revenue of the state ofMissouri;
(5) "Interstate transportation authority", any political subdivisioncreated by compact between this state and another state, which is a bodycorporate and politic and a political subdivision of both contractingstates, and which operates a public mass transportation system;
(6) "Interstate transportation district", that geographical area setforth and defined in the particular compact between this state and anotherstate;
(7) "Person", an individual, corporation, partnership, or otherentity;
(8) "Public mass transportation system", a transportation system orsystems owned and operated by an interstate transportation authority, amunicipality, a city transit authority, or a city utilities board,employing motor buses, rails or any other means of conveyance, bywhatsoever type or power, operated for public use in the conveyance ofpersons, mainly providing local transportation service within an interstatetransportation district or municipality;
(9) "Transportation purposes", financial support of a public masstransportation system including, but not limited to, the development andoperation of bus, para-transit, and fixed-rail and light-rail transitsystems; the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance ofstreets, roads and bridges within a municipality; the construction,reconstruction, repair and maintenance of airports owned and operated bymunicipalities; the acquisition of lands and rights-of-way for streets,roads, bridges and airports; and planning and feasibility studies forstreets, roads, bridges, and airports. "Bridges" shall include bridgesconnecting a municipality with another municipality either within orwithout the state, with an unincorporated area of the state, or withanother state or an unincorporated area thereof. Notwithstanding the otherprovisions of this subdivision, in first class counties operating under acharter form of government and having a population of over nine hundredthousand inhabitants, transportation purposes shall mean financial supportof a public mass transportation system; the construction, reconstruction,repair and maintenance of streets, roads and bridges which are a part of acounty-urban road system established by the governing body of the county;the acquisition of lands and rights-of-way for streets, roads and bridgesfor a county-urban road system established by the governing body of thecounty; planning and feasibility studies for streets, roads and bridges fora county-urban road system; and rapid transit purposes; and "bridges" shallinclude those county-urban road system bridges connecting a municipalitywith another municipality either within or without the state, with anunincorporated area of the state, or with another state or anunincorporated area thereof.
(L. 1973 H.B. 65 § 1, A.L. 1983 1st Ex. Sess. H.B. 9, A.L. 1991 S.B. 34, A.L. 2008 S.B. 1131)