94.400. Maximum rate of tax--how increased--extension of period of increase--continuation of levy.
Maximum rate of tax--how increased--extension of periodof increase--continuation of levy.
94.400. 1. All cities in this state which now have or mayhereafter contain a population of not less than ten thousand andless than three hundred thousand inhabitants according to thelast preceding federal decennial census, framing and adopting acharter for its own government under the provisions of section19, article VI of the constitution of this state, known as"constitutional charter cities", may by city ordinance levy andimpose annually for municipal purposes upon all subjects andobjects of taxation within their corporate limits a tax whichshall not exceed the maximum rate of one dollar on the onehundred dollars assessed valuation, and may by city ordinancelevy and impose annually an additional tax at a rate in excess ofsaid one dollar on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation,but not to exceed forty cents on the one hundred dollars assessedvaluation for any one or more of the following purposes, to wit:Library, hospital, public health, and museum purposes, exceptthat the rate of tax levy of one dollar on the one hundreddollars assessed valuation for general municipal purposes may, inaddition to the aforesaid rate and purposes of increase which maybe voted by city ordinance, be further increased for generalmunicipal purposes for a period not to exceed four years at anyone time when such rate and purpose of increase are submitted toa vote of the voters within such cities and two-thirds of thevoters voting thereon shall vote therefor, but such increase sovoted shall be limited to a maximum rate of taxation not toexceed thirty cents on the one hundred dollars assessedvaluation.
2. The legislative body of any such cities may submit thequestion of increasing the levy when in the opinion of suchlegislative body the necessity therefor arises and the questionshall be submitted by such legislative body when petitionedtherefor by voters equaling in number five percent of the votersof such cities voting for a mayor at the last election at which amayor was elected.
3. The question shall be submitted in substantially thefollowing form:
Shall there be a .... cent increase in tax levyon one hundred dollars valuation for general municipal purposesfor.... years in the city of ...........?
4. If such increase of levy shall be voted, then suchincreased levy shall be effective for the number of yearsdesignated, and no longer, but such cities through theirlegislative bodies may submit any such proposal for continuingsuch increase of levy at any time for like periods not to exceedfour years each.
5. Any city that has a levy for recreation grounds inexcess of two mills on August 28, 1994, may continue the levy atthat rate without any further action. Any levy for recreationpurposes which is two mills or less on August 28, 1994, shall befor purposes of computing the amount permitted by law consideredto be under section 90.010, RSMo. Any increase in the levy forrecreation grounds after August 28, 1994, shall be in accordancewith procedures set forth in section 90.010, RSMo.
(L. 1945 p. 1804 § 1, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971, A.L. 1994 H.B. 1200 & 1192)