94.1012. Economic development sales tax (Poplar Bluff)--ballot language--rate of tax--revenue from tax deposited in the local economic development sales tax fund.
Economic development sales tax (Poplar Bluff)--ballotlanguage--rate of tax--revenue from tax deposited in thelocal economic development sales tax fund.
94.1012. 1. The governing body of any city of the thirdclassification with more than sixteen thousand six hundred but fewer thansixteen thousand seven hundred inhabitants may impose, by ordinance ororder, an economic development sales tax on all retail sales which aresubject to taxation pursuant to the provisions of sections 144.010 to144.525, RSMo, for the purpose of funding economic development. For thepurposes of this section, the term "economic development" shall meanfunding any economic development project approved by the voters, includinga transportation corporation, as defined in sections 238.300 to 238.367,RSMo. The tax authorized by this section shall be in addition to any andall other sales taxes allowed by law. The ordinance or order shall becomeeffective after the governing body of the city shall submit to the votersof that city a proposal to authorize the tax.
2. The ballot of submission shall contain, but need not be limitedto, the following language:
Shall the city of .......... (name of city) impose a sales tax of.......... (insert rate) for the purpose of funding economic development inorder to fund a .......... (description of economic development project tobe approved); provided that, the sales tax shall terminate upon the paymentof all bonds issued to complete the .......... (description of economicdevelopment project to be approved)? There is no guarantee of any statefunding.
â ã YES â ã NO
If you are in favor of the question, place an "X" in the box opposite"YES". If you are opposed to the question, place an "X" in the boxopposite "NO".
If a majority of the votes cast on the proposal by the qualified votersvoting thereon are in favor of the proposal, then the ordinance or ordershall be in effect beginning the first day of the second calendar quarterfollowing its adoption or a later date if authorized by the governing body.If the governing body has not authorized the initial collection of the taxpursuant to such ordinance or order within three years after the date ofthe passage of the proposal, authorization for the governing body to imposesuch tax shall expire. If a majority of the votes cast by the qualifiedvoters voting are opposed to the proposal, then the governing body of thecity shall have no power to impose the sales tax authorized in this sectionunless and until the governing body of the city shall again have submittedanother such proposal and the proposal is approved by the requisitemajority of the qualified voters voting thereon. However, in no eventshall a proposal pursuant to this section be submitted to the voters soonerthan twelve months from the date of the last proposal submitted pursuant tothis section.
3. After the effective date of any tax imposed pursuant to theprovisions of this section, the director of revenue shall perform allfunctions incident to the administration, collection, enforcement andoperation of the tax in the same manner as provided in sections 94.500 to94.550, and the director of revenue shall collect in addition to the salestax for the state of Missouri the additional tax authorized pursuant to theauthority of this section. The tax imposed pursuant to this section andthe tax imposed pursuant to the sales tax law of the state of Missourishall be collected together and reported upon such forms and pursuant tosuch administrative rules and regulations as may be prescribed by thedirector of revenue. Except as modified in this section, all provisions ofsections 32.085 and 32.087, RSMo, shall apply to the tax imposed pursuantto this section.
4. The economic development sales tax may be approved at a rate ofone-half of one percent of the receipts from the sale at retail of alltangible personal property and taxable services at retail within any cityadopting such tax, if such property and services are subject to taxation bythe state of Missouri pursuant to the provisions of sections 144.010 to144.525, RSMo.
5. All revenue generated from the tax authorized pursuant to theprovisions of this section, less one percent for the cost of collectionwhich shall be deposited in the general revenue fund, shall be depositedinto the "Local Economic Development Sales Tax Fund", which is herebycreated in the state treasury. The fund moneys shall be distributed to thecity from which the revenue was generated for the sole purpose of fundingeconomic development, as that term is defined in this section. The taxauthorized by this section shall terminate as approved by the voters.
(L. 2005 S.B. 176)Effective 2-01-05