92.740. Petition, form, contents.

Petition, form, contents.

92.740. 1. A suit for the foreclosure of the tax liensherein provided for shall be instituted by filing in theappropriate office of the circuit clerk and with the landreutilization authority a petition, which petition shall containa caption, a copy of the list prepared by the collector, and aprayer. Such petition without further allegation shall be deemedto be sufficient.

2. The caption shall be in the following form:In the Circuit Court of ....... Missouri,In the Matter ofForeclosure of Liens for Delinquent Land Taxes

By Action in Rem.Collector of Revenue of ......, Missouri, Plaintiff

-vs-Parcels of Land Encumbered with Delinquent Tax Liens, Defendants

3. The petition shall conclude with a prayer that all taxliens upon such real estate be foreclosed; that the courtdetermine the amounts and priorities of all tax bills, togetherwith interest, penalties, costs, and attorney's fees; that thecourt order such real estate to be sold by the sheriff at publicsale as provided by sections 92.700 to 92.920 and that thereaftera report of such sale be made by the sheriff to the court forfurther proceedings under the provisions of sections 92.700 to92.920.

4. The petition when so filed shall have the same force andeffect with respect to each parcel of real estate thereindescribed as a separate suit instituted to foreclose the tax lienor liens against any one of said parcels of real estate.

(L. 1971 H.B. 472 § 9)