92.300. Amendment of charter to authorize earnings tax required, how (Kansas City and St. Joseph).
Amendment of charter to authorize earnings tax required, how(Kansas City and St. Joseph).
92.300. No ordinance enacted pursuant to the authoritygranted in sections 92.210 to 92.300 shall be effective unlessthe legislative body of the city shall have submitted to thevoters of the city the question of amending the charter, orrevised charter, or amended charter of the city authorizing thelegislative body of the city to impose a tax defined undersections 92.210 to 92.300. If a majority of the votes cast onthe question by the voters voting thereon are in favor of thecharter amendment, then the ordinance and any amendments theretoshall be in effect. If a majority of the votes cast by thevoters voting thereon are opposed to the charter amendment, thenthe legislative body of the city shall have no power to imposethe tax herein authorized unless and until the legislative bodyof the city shall again have submitted another proposal to amendthe charter, or revised charter, or amended charter of the city,authorizing the legislative body of the city to impose the taxdefined under sections 92.210 to 92.300, and the question hasbeen approved by a majority of the voters voting thereon; exceptthat, any tax rate previously adopted by a majority of the votersunder the provisions of sections 92.210 to 92.300 and in effectat the time of the submission of a higher tax rate shall remainin effect if the higher rate is defeated by a majority of thevoters voting thereon. If a proposed higher rate of taxation isdefeated, no proposal to impose a higher rate of tax than the oneremaining in effect after the defeat of the proposed higher rateshall again be submitted to the voters of the city within oneyear from the date of the election at which the proposed higherrate was defeated.
(L. 1963 p. 152 § 10, A.L. 1969 p. 165, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)