91.790. Authorized to establish, construct and own rapid transit improvement.

Authorized to establish, construct and own rapid transit improvement.

91.790. All cities in this state having six hundred thousandor more inhabitants are hereby authorized and empowered byordinance to establish, construct and own, to acquire bycondemnation, purchase, lease, or otherwise, and to contract forthe construction, purchase, lease or other acquisition, withinand/or without their respective corporate limits, and along suchroutes, and upon such terms and conditions as they may deem best,of a rapid transit improvement as herein defined, or any partthereof; and to use such rapid transit improvement, or permit thesame to be used, for the transportation or movement of personsand/or property, and for the operation of cars, motorbuses andother vehicles or means of transportation, public or private, andfor the laying of tracks, pipes, wires, cables, conduits, andother equipment and appurtenances necessary and incident thereto,used for public or private transportation. In all cases the useof streets, avenues, roads, highways, places and lands, and therights-of-way through and interest in the same, for any of thepurposes of a rapid transit improvement as herein authorized andprovided, shall be considered, and is hereby declared to be apublic use, consistent with the uses for which the streets,avenues, roads, highways and public places are publicly held.

(RSMo 1939 § 7775)

Prior revision: 1929 § 7635