91.710. Ordinance or resolution--may contain what.

Ordinance or resolution--may contain what.

91.710. Any ordinance or resolution authorizing the issuanceof bonds under sections 91.620 to 91.770, to finance in whole orin part the acquisition, construction, reconstruction,improvement, betterment or extension of an undertaking, maycontain covenants (notwithstanding that such covenants may limitthe exercise of powers conferred by sections 91.620 to 91.770) asto:

(1) The rates, fees, tolls, or charges to be charged for theservices, facilities and commodities of said undertaking;

(2) The use and disposition of the revenue of saidundertaking;

(3) The creation and maintenance of reserves or sinkingfunds and the regulation, use and disposition thereof;

(4) The purpose or purposes to which the proceeds of thesale of said bonds may be applied and the use and disposition ofsuch proceeds;

(5) Events of default and the rights and liabilities arisingthereupon, and the terms and conditions upon which bonds issuedunder sections 91.620 to 91.770 shall become or may be declareddue before maturity, and the terms and conditions upon which suchdeclaration and its consequences may be waived;

(6) A fair and reasonable payment by the municipality to theaccount of said undertaking for the services, facilities orcommodities furnished said municipality or any of its departmentsby said undertaking;

(7) The issuance of other or additional bonds or instrumentspayable from or constituting a charge against the revenue of suchundertaking;

(8) The insurance to be carried thereon and the use anddisposition of insurance moneys;

(9) Books of account and the inspection and audit thereof;

(10) Events of default and terms and conditions upon whichany or all of the bonds shall become or may be declared duebefore maturity and as to the terms and conditions upon whichsuch declaration and its consequences may be waived;

(11) The rights, liabilities, powers and duties arising uponthe breach by it of any covenants, conditions or obligations;

(12) The vesting in a trustee or trustees the rights toenforce any covenants made to secure, to pay, or in relation tothe bonds, as to the powers and duties of such trustee ortrustees, and the limitation of liabilities thereof, and as tothe terms and conditions upon which the holders of the bonds orany proportion or percentage of them may enforce any covenantsmade under sections 91.620 to 91.770 or duties imposed hereby;

(13) A procedure by which the terms of any resolutionauthorizing bonds, or any other contract with bondholders,including but not limited to an indenture of trust or similarinstrument, may be amended or abrogated and as to the amount ofbonds the holders of which must consent thereto and the manner inwhich such consent may be given.

(L. 1941 p. 493 § 9)