91.600. Waterworks property, how acquired--may issue bonds, make contracts (certain cities).

Waterworks property, how acquired--may issue bonds, make contracts(certain cities).

91.600. Every city organized and existing under theprovisions of section 16 of article IX of the Constitution ofMissouri of 1875, or section 19 of article VI of the Constitutionof Missouri of 1945, shall have the right and power to construct,maintain and operate waterworks to supply the city and allpersons and parties therein with water and may for such purpose,take, hold, use and dispose of real estate and personal propertywhether within or outside of the city, or whether within oroutside of the state of Missouri, necessary to accomplish suchobject. It may acquire such property by purchase, donation or anexercise of the power of eminent domain, and may do whatever maybe necessary to the exercise of the powers herein granted. Everysuch city shall have the power to issue its bonds for suchpurpose to an amount not exceeding the constitutionallimitations. Every such city shall have power to make at anytime a contract with any such person, corporation, or company,for a period not exceeding twenty years, to furnish water to thecity, or to the city and its inhabitants, and to authorize suchcorporation, person or company, during the existence of suchcontract, to construct, maintain and operate waterworks in thecity. Such contract shall contain a provision reserving to suchcity the right at its option at any time to acquire and becomethe sole owner of such portion of the waterworks of suchcorporation, person or company as may at the time of suchpurchase be situated in the state of Missouri, on paying a fairand equitable value therefor, to be ascertained, if the partiesthereto cannot agree, by the circuit court of the county in whichsuch city is situated, upon the petition of the city, and in suchmanner as the court may determine; a copy of such petition shallbe served upon the corporation, person or company at leastfifteen days before the same is presented to the court. Thecontract above mentioned shall not take effect until an ordinancefully setting forth its terms is submitted to a vote of thevoters of the city and approved by two-thirds of the votersvoting on the proposition.

(RSMo 1939 § 7794, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 7649; 1919 § 9087; 1909 § 9909