91.596. Revenue bonds--election--form of ballot.
Revenue bonds--election--form of ballot.
91.596. 1. Whenever the board of public works of any suchcity shall desire to issue such revenue bonds for any or all ofthe purposes enumerated in section 91.595 it shall make writtenrequest, authorized by majority vote of its members, to the mayorand council of such city requesting the submission of thequestion of authorizing the issuance of said bonds which requestshall set forth the amount of funds required and the purposes forwhich the same is to be expended.
2. The council may then by ordinance submit the propositionto the voters of the city.
3. The question shall be submitted in substantially thefollowing form:
Shall the city of ...... issue revenue bonds, in the amountof ...... dollars to be payable solely from the revenues derivedfrom the operation of ...... (utility) by the city and not ageneral or personal obligation of the city, for the purpose of....... (here state purpose)?
4. If a majority of the voters of such city voting on thequestion shall vote "Yes" then the board of public works of suchcity shall be authorized to issue waterworks revenue bonds not toexceed the amount approved by the voters.
(L. 1951 p. 349 § 2, A.L. 1975 H.B. 947, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)