91.520. Board to keep accounts and make report.
Board to keep accounts and make report.
91.520. It shall be the duty of said board to keep books ofaccount, showing with entire accuracy contemporaneous currententries of the receipts and expenditures of the board in suchmanner as to enable the same to be understood and investigated,and also to preserve on file in its office duplicate vouchers forall its expenditures, which books and duplicates shall at alltimes be open to the examination of the finance committee of thecity council, or any other committee appointed by the commoncouncil, and such board shall make such reports of its businessand transactions to the mayor and city council of such city, townor village as may be provided by ordinance.
(RSMo 1939 § 7803)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7658; 1919 § 9096; 1909 § 9921