91.480. Board to manage municipal utilities.

Board to manage municipal utilities.

91.480. Whenever any such city mentioned in section 91.450shall have by ordinance established a board of public works, asherein provided, such board so established in such city, town orvillage shall, during the existence of said board, have thepower, and it shall be its duty, to take charge of and exercisecontrol over any waterworks, gas works, electric light and powerplant, steam heating plant or any other device or plant forfurnishing light, power or heat, telephone plant or exchange,street railway or any other public transportation, conduit systemor any other public utility whatever which may be owned by suchcity, town or village at the time such board is so established,or which may be thereafter established or acquired by such city,town or village, by purchase or otherwise, and all appurtenancesthereto belonging, and shall enforce the performance of allcontracts and work, and have charge and custody of all books,property and assets belonging or appertaining to such plant orplants.

(RSMo 1939 § 7799)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 7654; 1919 § 9092; 1909 § 9917