91.270. Powers and duties of board--may appoint manager--city to pay for water.

Powers and duties of board--may appoint manager--city to pay forwater.

91.270. Said board of waterworks commissioners shall havefull control and management of said waterworks system, and shallmake all contracts for supplies and improvements, and manage thebusiness of said waterworks system, and may employ suchassistants and employees as may be necessary for the operation ofthe same, subject to the approval of the mayor, and shall havepower to fix the water rates so as to raise funds sufficient forthe purposes mentioned in section 91.230, and to adopt suchreasonable rules and regulations for the enforcement andcollection thereof as it may deem expedient; and such board shallcollect from said city rental for hydrants used by the city forthe purposes of fire protection, and washing and flushing thestreets, crossings, alleys and sewers, at the rate agreed uponbetween the board and the city council and shall have the samepower to sue for any such amount due from the city as if thewater was furnished to the city by a private person orcorporation. The said board shall have the power to appoint amanager of the plant who shall receive a salary of not exceedingtwo thousand dollars per year, and such manager shall give bond,the same as required to be given by each member of the board, andall of the books, papers and documents relating to the board andmanagement of the plant shall be under the immediate supervisionof the board, and shall be open at all times for publicinspection and shall be examined by a committee appointed by themayor at least once a year.

(RSMo 1939 § 7824)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 7679; 1919 § 9117; 1909 § 9942