91.170. May advertise for bids to construct.

May advertise for bids to construct.

91.170. When there are no waterworks in operation in anysuch city, and the city shall desire to construct waterworks, thecity council shall, by ordinance, cause plans and specificationsof the waterworks system to be constructed, to be duly made andfiled in the office of the city clerk by the city engineer, orsuch other person as the council may designate, which plans andspecifications shall give a full description of the plant to beconstructed, the details thereof and the manner of construction;and the council shall cause the said engineer or the person sodesignated, to make the plans and specifications, to advertisefor bids, and the council, by and through said city engineer, orsuch committee as the council may appoint, shall contract,subject to the approval and ratification of the voters of saidcity, as herein provided, with the person, firm or corporationwho will agree to do the work on the lowest and best terms, andsuch person, firm or corporation shall agree to accept, inpayment for the construction of said plant, bonds issued undersections 91.090 to 91.300, and containing substantially therecitals as provided in section 91.160; and the advertisement forbids shall state, among other things, that the work is to be paidfor by bonds issued under sections 91.090 to 91.300, which willbe a first lien in the nature of a mortgage or vendor's lien uponall the property, rights, issues and revenues of the waterworkssystem when erected, or in any way appertaining thereto,including any and all funds that may have been or may be derivedtherefrom, whether in existence at the time of the issuing of thebonds or thereafter acquired, but that the bonds shall not createany personal or general liability on the part of the city or theperson signing them for the payment thereof, and that the sameshall be paid only out of the property constituting thewaterworks system and the revenue derived therefrom.

(RSMo 1939 § 7814)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 7669; 1919 § 9107; 1909 § 9932