89.460. Public improvements, how approved after adoption of major street plan.
Public improvements, how approved after adoption of major street plan.
89.460. Upon adoption of a major street plan and subdivisionregulations, the municipality shall not accept, lay out, open,improve, grade, pave or light any street, lay or authorize thelaying of water mains, sewers, connections or other utilities inany street within the municipality unless the street has receivedthe legal status of a public street prior to the adoption of acity plan; or unless the street corresponds in its location andlines with a street shown on a subdivision plat approved by thecouncil or planning commission or on a street plan made by andadopted by the commission. The council may locate and constructor may accept any other street if the ordinance or other measurefor the location and construction or for the acceptance is firstsubmitted to the commission for its approval and approved by thecommission or, if disapproved by the commission, is passed by theaffirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the entiremembership of the council.
(L. 1963 p. 146 § 17)