87.435. Who shall be beneficiaries.
Who shall be beneficiaries.
87.435. If any member of the fire department of any cityshall, while in the performance of his duty, become and be found,upon examination by a medical officer ordered by said board oftrustees, to be physically or mentally permanently disabled byreason of age or service in such department, so as to rendernecessary his retirement from service in said fire department,said board of trustees shall retire such disabled member fromservice in such fire department; provided, however, no suchretirement on account of disability shall occur unless saidmember has contracted said disability in the service of such firedepartment, and upon such retirement the said board of trusteesshall order the payment to such disabled members of such firedepartment monthly from the "pension fund" such sum of money asmay be determined by the rules and regulations provided for themanagement of said funds; and in case the party suffering suchdisability is a member of the volunteer department receiving nopay, the amount to be paid him shall be fixed by the board oftrustees. If any such person reenters the service of thedepartment, no such payments shall be made to him during suchservice.
(RSMo 1939 § 9530)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8965; 1919 § 9066; 1909 § 9891