87.010. Fund for pensioning firemen--treasurer of corporation ex officio treasurer of fund--cities other than first class to ratify.
Fund for pensioning firemen--treasurer of corporation ex officiotreasurer of fund--cities other than first class to ratify.
87.010. The municipal authorities by act or ordinance, inall cities, villages or incorporated towns in this state havingan organized fire department, may set apart not exceeding fiftypercent of all revenue received by such cities, villages orincorporated towns for municipal purposes from licenses issued bythem for carrying on the business of a fire insurance company,agent or agency, and not exceeding three percent of all otherrevenue received by such cities, villages or incorporated townsfor municipal purposes from licenses issued by such cities,villages or incorporated towns, as a fund for the pensioning ofcrippled and disabled members of the fire department, and of thewidows and orphans of deceased members of the fire department ofsuch cities, villages or incorporated towns, and the treasurer ofsuch cities, villages or incorporated towns shall be ex officiotreasurer of such fund; provided, that in any city other than acity of the first class the provisions of sections 87.010 to87.105 shall not be in effect until it shall be ratified by amajority of the voters of such city, who vote on the questionwhich shall be submitted at the request of one hundred voters.
(RSMo 1939 § 9499, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8932; 1919 § 9033; 1909 § 9859