86.580. All cities--police and firemen, service in armed forces to be credited in determining pension rights.
All cities--police and firemen, service in armed forces to be creditedin determining pension rights.
86.580. In all systems or plans heretofore or hereafterestablished by law or ordinance for the pensioning of thesalaried members of the organized police force or fire departmentand the widows and minor children of deceased members, of anymunicipality of this state, for all honorably discharged membersof the armed services of the United States in any war, whoreenter or have reentered the service of any such police force orfire department within one year after such honorable discharge,service in such armed services shall be counted as service onsuch police force or fire department in determining the right toany pension.
(L. 1947 V. II p. 330 § 1)