86.510. Definitions.
86.510. The following words and phrases as used in sections86.510 to 86.577, unless a different meaning is plainly requiredby the context, shall have the following meanings:
(1) "Board of police commissioners" shall mean any board ofpolice, board of police commissioners, police commissioners andany other officials, or board now or hereafter authorized by lawto employ and manage a permanent police force in said cities;
(2) "Pension system" shall mean the police pension system ofsaid cities;
(3) "Policeman" or "member of the police department" shallmean any regularly employed officer or employee of the policedepartment of said cities employed and commissioned by the boardof police commissioners of the said cities for police duty butshall not include any police commissioner or anyone employed in aclerical or other capacity not involving police duties and notcommissioned by the said board as a police officer. In case ofdoubt as to whether any person is a policeman within the meaningof sections 86.510 to 86.577, decision of the board of trusteesshall be final.
(RSMo 1939 § 9497)