86.270. Investigation and examination of applicants for disability benefits.
Investigation and examination of applicants for disability benefits.
86.270. 1. Any determination of whether a member is disabled underthe provisions of section 86.257 or 86.263 shall consist of aninvestigation of the member's physical and mental condition by the medicaldirector of the police retirement system and all physicians appointed bythe medical director under the provisions of section 86.237 and aninvestigation by the board of trustees of the police retirement system ofany other matter relevant to determine whether the member satisfies theapplicable requirements of section 86.257 or 86.263. The board of trusteesmay authorize the use of staff of the police retirement system and otherpersons not employed by the police retirement system to assist in itsinvestigation. The board of trustees of the police retirement system andthe medical director of the police retirement system and any suchphysicians appointed by the medical director under the provisions ofsection 86.237 may communicate with each other as to matters relevant todetermine whether the member satisfies the applicable requirements ofsection 86.257 or 86.263.
2. The board of trustees shall require each member who applies fordisability benefits and any disability beneficiary to be reexamined underthe provisions of section 86.257 or 86.263 to undergo medical examinationsat places designated by the medical director and any physicians appointedby the medical director under the provisions of section 86.237. Theexamination shall be made by the medical director or by any physiciansappointed by the medical director under the provisions of section 86.237.
(L. 1957 p. 256 § 22, A.L. 2000 H.B. 1808, A.L. 2009 H.B. 397 & H.B. 947)