86.183. Contributions by city.
Contributions by city.
86.183. 1. On or before the first of March of each year theboard of trustees shall certify to the board of policecommissioners the amounts which will become due and payableduring the year next following to the pension accumulation fundand the expense fund. The amounts so certified shall be includedby the board of police commissioners in their annual budgetestimate. The amounts so certified shall be appropriated by thesaid cities and transferred to the retirement system for theensuing year.
2. To cover the requirements of the retirement system forthe period prior to the date when the first regular appropriationis due as provided by subsection 1, such amounts as shall benecessary to cover the needs of the retirement system shall bepaid into the pension accumulation fund and expense fund byspecial appropriations to the retirement system.
(RSMo 1939 § 9472)Prior revision: 1929 § 8914