86.140. Members deemed to consent to deductions--payable into annuity savings fund.
Members deemed to consent to deductions--payable into annuity savingsfund.
86.140. The deductions provided for herein shall be madenotwithstanding that the minimum compensation provided by law forany member shall be reduced thereby. Every member shall bedeemed to consent to the deductions made and provided for herein,and shall receipt for his full salary or compensation and paymentof salary or compensation less said deduction shall be a full andcomplete discharge and acquittance of all claims and demandswhatsoever for services rendered during the period covered by thepayment except as to benefits provided by sections 86.010 to86.193. The board of police commissioners shall certify to theboard of trustees on each and every payroll or in such othermanner as the board of trustees shall prescribe the amountdeducted, and such amounts shall be paid into said annuitysavings fund and shall be credited together with regular interestthereon to the individual account of the member from whosecompensation said deduction was made.
(RSMo 1939 § 9471)Prior revision: 1929 § 8913