86.127. Annuity savings fund.
Annuity savings fund.
86.127. The annuity savings fund shall be the fund in whichshall be accumulated contributions from the compensation of themembers to provide for their annuities. Upon the basis of suchtables as the board of trustees shall adopt, and regularinterest, the actuary of the retirement system shall determinefor each member the proportion of compensation which whendeducted from each payment of his prospective annual earnablecompensation prior to his attainment of age sixty and accumulatedat regular interest until his attainment of such age shall becomputed to provide at that time an annuity equal to the pensionto which he will be entitled at that age on account of hismembership service. Such proportion of compensation shall becomputed to remain constant.
(RSMo 1939 § 9471)Prior revision: 1929 § 8913