86.053. Regular actuarial investigation.
Regular actuarial investigation.
86.053. In the year 1933 and at least once in each five-yearperiod thereafter the actuary shall make an actuarialinvestigation into the mortality, service and compensationexperience of the members and beneficiaries of the retirementsystem and shall make a valuation of the assets and liabilitiesof the funds of the system and taking into account the results ofsuch investigation and valuation the board of trustees shall:
(1) Adopt for the retirement system such mortality, serviceand other tables as shall be deemed necessary;
(2) Certify the rates of contribution payable by the membersunder the provisions of sections 86.010 to 86.193; and
(3) Certify the rates of contribution payable by the saidcities in accordance with section 86.153.
(RSMo 1939 § 9468, A.L. 1947 V. I p. 418)Prior revision: 1929 § 8910