86.010. Definitions.
86.010. The following words and phrases as used in sections86.010 to 86.193, unless a different meaning is plainly requiredby the context, shall have the following meanings:
(1) "Accumulated contributions" shall mean the sum of allamounts deducted from the compensation of a member and creditedto his individual account in the annuity savings fund, togetherwith regular interest thereon as provided in section 86.127.
(2) "Actuarial equivalent" shall mean a benefit of equalvalue when computed upon the basis of mortality tables adopted bythe board of trustees and regular interest.
(3) "Annuity" shall mean annual payments for life derivedfrom the accumulated contributions of a member. All annuitiesshall be payable in monthly installments.
(4) "Annuity reserve" shall mean the present value of allpayments to be made on account of an annuity or benefit in lieuof an annuity granted under the provisions of sections 86.010 to86.193 upon the basis of such mortality tables as shall beadopted by the board of trustees and regular interest.
(5) "Average final compensation" shall mean the averageearnable compensation of the member during his last ten years ofservice as a policeman, or if he has had less than ten years ofservice, then the average earnable compensation of his entireperiod of service; provided, that all earnable compensation forservice prior to July 9, 1925, shall be computed on the rates ofcompensation fixed by section 84.160, RSMo.
(6) "Beneficiary" shall mean any person in receipt of apension, an annuity, a retirement allowance or other benefit asprovided in sections 86.010 to 86.193.
(7) "Board of police commissioners" shall mean any board ofpolice, board of police commissioners, police commissioners andany other officials or boards now or hereafter authorized by lawto employ and manage a permanent police force in said cities.
(8) "Board of trustees" shall mean the board provided insection 86.023 to administer the retirement system.
(9) "Creditable service" shall mean prior service plusmembership service as provided in section 86.020.
(10) "Earnable compensation" shall mean the regularcompensation which a member would earn during one year on thebasis of the stated compensation for his rank or position.
(11) "Medical board" shall mean the board of physiciansprovided for in section 86.047.
(12) "Member" shall mean a member of the retirement systemas defined by section 86.017.
(13) "Membership service" shall mean service as a policemanrendered since last becoming a member, except in the case of amember who shall have served in the armed forces of the UnitedStates and shall have subsequently been reinstated as apoliceman, in which case "membership service" shall mean serviceas a policeman rendered since last becoming a member prior toentering such armed service.
(14) "Pension" shall mean annual payments for life derivedfrom appropriations provided by the said cities. All pensionsshall be paid in equal monthly installments.
(15) "Pension reserve" shall mean the present value of allpayments to be made on account of any pension or benefit in lieuof a pension granted under the provisions of sections 86.010 to86.193 upon the basis of such mortality tables as shall beadopted by the board of trustees and regular interest.
(16) "Policeman" shall mean any officer or employee of thepolice department of the said cities employed by the board ofpolice commissioners of the said cities for police duty, andshall include prison guards, turnkeys, probationary patrolmen,patrolmen, sergeants, lieutenants, drill masters, captains,senior officers, detectives, and secretary to the chief ofpolice, but shall not include any police commissioner or anyoneemployed in a clerical or other capacity not involving policeduties. In case of doubt as to whether any person is a policemanwithin the meaning of sections 86.010 to 86.193, the decision ofthe board of trustees shall be final.
(17) "Prior service" shall mean all service as a policemanrendered prior to the date the system becomes operative which iscreditable in accordance with the provisions of section 86.020.
(18) "Regular interest" shall mean interest at the rate offour percent per annum, compounded annually.
(19) "Retirement allowance" shall mean the sum of theannuity and the pension or any benefits in lieu thereof grantedto a member upon retirement.
(20) "Retirement system" shall mean the police retirementsystem of the said cities as defined in section 86.013.
(RSMo 1939 § 9464, A.L. 1945 p. 1336)Prior revision: 1929 § 8906