85.561. Police officers, conservators of peace--supervision--powers and duties (third class cities).
Police officers, conservators of peace--supervision--powers andduties (third class cities).
85.561. 1. In all third class cities the members of thepolice department shall be conservators of the peace, and shallbe active and vigilant in the preservation of good order withinthe city.
2. The chief of police shall, in the discharge of hisduties, be subject to the orders of the mayor only; the deputychief of police and all other members of the police departmentshall be subject to the orders of their superiors in the policedepartment and the mayor only.
3. Every member of the police department shall have powerat all times to make or order an arrest with proper process forany offense against the laws of the city or the state, and tokeep the offender in the city prison or other proper place toprevent his escape until a trial can be had before the properofficer, unless such offender shall give a good and sufficientbond for his appearance for trial, and shall also have power tomake arrests without process in all cases in which any offenseagainst the laws of the city or the state shall be committed inhis presence. Every member of the police department is alsoempowered to serve and execute all warrants, subpoenas, writs orother process issued by the judge hearing and determiningmunicipal ordinance violation cases of the city at any placewithin the limits of the county or counties within which the cityis located. Every member of the police department shall have thepower to make or order an arrest in areas leased or owned by themunicipality outside of the boundaries of such municipality.
4. It shall be the duty of the chief of police or in hisabsence the deputy chief of police to collect all fines assessedfor violations of municipal ordinances if not otherwise collectedand pay the same into the city treasury.
(L. 1955 p. 290 § 3, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 1982 S.B. 637, A.L. 1991 H.B. 462)