85.011. Procedure upon dismissal, demotion, suspension, certain officers.
Procedure upon dismissal, demotion, suspension, certain officers.
85.011. Any law enforcement officer, other than an electedsheriff or deputy, who possesses the duty and power of arrestfor violations of the criminal laws of this state or forviolations of ordinances of counties or municipalities of thisstate, who is regularly employed for more than thirty hours perweek, and who is employed by a law enforcement agency of thisstate or political subdivision of this state which employs morethan fifteen law enforcement officers, shall be given uponwritten request a meeting within forty-eight hours of adismissal, disciplinary demotion or suspension that results in areduction or withholding of salary or compensatory time. Themeeting shall be held before any individual or board asdesignated by the governing body. At any such meeting, theemploying law enforcement agency shall at a minimum provide abrief statement, which may be oral, of the reason of thedischarge, disciplinary demotion or suspension, and permit thelaw enforcement officer the opportunity to respond. The resultsfrom such meeting shall be reduced to writing. Any lawenforcement agency that has substantially similar or greaterprocedures shall be deemed to be in compliance with thissection. This section shall not apply to an officer serving in aprobationary period or to the highest ranking officer of any lawenforcement agency. Any law enforcement officer employed by thestate shall not be subject to the provisions of this section.
(L. 1990 H.B. 948 § 1)CROSS REFERENCE:
Due process, police on disciplinary actions, RSMo 590.500