84.830. Police department--prohibited activities--penalties (Kansas City).
Police department--prohibited activities--penalties (Kansas City).
84.830. 1. No person shall solicit orally, or by letter orotherwise, or shall be in any manner concerned in soliciting, anyassessment, contribution, or payment for any political purposewhatsoever from any officer or employee in the service of thepolice department for such cities or from members of the saidpolice board. No officer, agent, or employee of the policedepartment of such cities shall permit any such solicitation inany building or room occupied for the discharge of the officialduties of the said department. No officer or employee in theservice of said police department shall directly or indirectlygive, pay, lend, or contribute any part of his salary orcompensation or any money or other valuable thing to any personon account of, or to be applied to, the promotion of anypolitical party, political club, or any political purposewhatever.
2. No officer or employee of said department shall promote,remove, or reduce any other official or employee, or promise orthreaten to do so, for withholding or refusing to make anycontribution for any political party or purpose or club, or forrefusal to render any political service, and shall not directlyor indirectly attempt to coerce, command, or advise any otherofficer or employee to make any such contribution or render anysuch service. No officer or employee in the service of saiddepartment or member of the police board shall use his officialauthority or influence for the purpose of interfering with anyelection or any nomination for office, or affecting the resultthereof. No officer or employee of such department shall be amember or official of any committee of any political party, or bea ward committeeman or committeewoman, nor shall any such officeror employee solicit any person to vote for or against anycandidate for public office, or "poll precincts" or be connectedwith other political work of similar character on behalf of anypolitical organization, party, or candidate. All such personsshall, however, retain the right to vote as they may choose andto express their opinions on all political subjects andcandidates.
3. No person or officer or employee of said department shallaffix any sign, bumper sticker or other device to any property orvehicle under the control of said department which eithersupports or opposes any ballot measure or political candidate.
4. No question in any examination shall relate to politicalor religious opinions or affiliations, and no appointment,transfer, layoff, promotion, reduction, suspension, or removalshall be affected by such opinions or affiliations.
5. No person shall make false statement, certification,mark, rating, or report with regard to any tests, certificate, orappointment made under any provision of sections 84.350 to 84.860or in any manner commit or attempt to commit any fraud preventingthe impartial execution of this section or any provision thereof.
6. No person shall, directly or indirectly, give, render,pay, offer, solicit, or accept any money, service, or othervaluable consideration for or on account of any appointment,proposed appointment, promotion to, or any advancement in, aposition in the service of the police departments of such cities.
7. No person shall defeat, deceive, or obstruct any personin his right to examination, eligibility, certification,appointment or promotion under sections 84.350 to 84.860, orfurnish to any person any such secret information for the purposeof affecting the right or prospects of any person with respect toemployment in the police departments of such cities.
8. Any officer or any employee of the police department ofsuch cities who shall be found by the board to have violated anyof the provisions of this section shall be discharged forthwithfrom said service. It shall be the duty of the chief of policeto prefer charges against any such offending person at once. Anymember of the board or of the common council of such cities maybring suit to restrain payment of compensation to any suchoffending officer or employee and, as an additional remedy, anysuch member of the board or of the common council of such citiesmay also apply to the circuit court for a writ of mandamus tocompel the dismissal of such offending officer or employee.Officers or employees discharged by such mandamus shall have noright of review before the police board. Any person dismissed orconvicted under this section shall, for a period of five years,be ineligible for appointment to any position in the service ofthe police department of such cities or the municipal governmentof such cities. Any persons who shall willfully or throughculpable negligence violate any of the provisions of this sectionmay, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not lessthan fifty dollars and not exceeding five hundred dollars, or byimprisonment for a time not exceeding six months, or by both suchfine and imprisonment.
(RSMo 1939 § 7682, A.L. 1943 p. 727 § 7681, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1304)