84.770. Organization or payment of other police force prohibited (Kansas City).
Organization or payment of other police force prohibited (KansasCity).
84.770. The common council or municipal assembly of saidcities shall have no power or authority to levy or collect anytaxes or appropriate any money for the payment of any policeforce, other than that organized and employed under sections84.350 to 84.860. No officer or servant of the mayor or thecommon council or municipal assembly of said cities shalldisburse any money for the payment of any police force other thanthat organized and employed under sections 84.350 to 84.860, andthe power of said mayor and common council or municipal assemblyto appropriate and disburse money for the payment of the policeforce organized and employed under sections 84.350 to 84.860shall be exercised as in these sections directed and nototherwise.
(RSMo 1939 § 7676, A.L. 1943 p. 727 § 7675)